Leisure activities

Can do everything – don’t have to do anything.
That’s the motto at Gut Dalwitz!


A holiday at Gut Dalwitz provides our guests with special souvenirs and plenty of luggage for their suitcase of longing. For example, the memory of the buzzing of the bees in the lush farm garden, the softly gurgling mating call of the moor frogs at the historic moat, the leisure hours in the estate park with the romantic tea island, the clattering of the storks, the clattering of hooves on the old cobblestones, the wide view when riding through the charming nature of the Mecklenburg ParkLand, the heavenly peace…
It’s no wonder that most people who have discovered this special place in the world keep coming back.

Personalised atmosphere and asado


The atmosphere at Gut Dalwitz is uncomplicated and informal, and guests quickly feel involved. The Asado, the barbecue that takes place when the weather allows was brought back to Mecklenburg from Lucy von Bassewitz´s home country Uruaguay and is particularly popular. Try meat and sausages from our own production – skillfully prepared by Uruguayan grill master Ricardo – and fresh salads, seasonal with ingredients from our farm garden.

The cottage garden, to the south-west of the gatehouse, is lovingly and lavishly tended. Here we grow flowers, herbs and vegetables for our guests. You are cordially invited to harvest for your own use. Or you can pick a beautiful bouquet for your holiday flat.

At Gut Dalwitz, the idyll is not staged. Everything is genuine and authentic. Anyone taking a tour of the farm with Heinrich von Bassewitz, the lord of the manor, can see this for themselves. Sustainability suddenly becomes tangible and filled with content.

About the activities


Activities on and around Dalwitz Estate

Riding offers

To the riding offers

Art and Culture

The collection of the great Mecklenburg folklorist Richard Wossidlo is on display in the Wossidlo House. The “Alte Ausspanne” hosts art and cultural exhibitions throughout the year.

On art and culture

Mecklenburger ParkLand

The idyllic Mecklenburg ParkLand region not far from the cities of Rostock and Güstrow, looks like a enormous landscape park with numerous manor houses. Along the Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Garden Route, you can discover impressive landscape parks as well as rustic herb gardens, fragrant rose gardens and lush cottage gardens.

More about Mecklenburg ParkLand

Sporting activities

We offer experienced western riders the opportunity to help drive our cattle herds on our Criollos. On request, you can also accompany the Mecklenburg Gauchos in an off-road vehicle or take a romantic carriage ride.
In autumn, drag hunts are organised. Anyone travelling in Mecklenburg ParkLand with the “Mecklenburger Meute”, 45 Irish Foxhounds that are considered to be particularly faithful and obedient, will take home an unforgettable riding memory.

To the sporting activities

Get out into nature

A trip to the varied surroundings of the FerienGut Dalwitz is well worthwhile. Extensive arable and pasture land, kilometre-long avenues, small rivers, forests and the typical “Sölle” – circular or oval small bodies of water that often dry up in summer – are the defining elements of a centuries-old cultural landscape that was characterised by agriculture and livestock farming back then, same as it is today.

Activities in nature

Green hunting

Gut Dalwitz has around 1200 hectares of its own hunting grounds, of which around 700 hectares are forest. You can hunt red deer, fallow deer, roe deer and wild boar with us. Hunters from the village will be happy to guide you to a buck in spring or summer, or to hunt sows from April to November.

About the Green Hunt activity

Dalwitzer Ceramics

Since this year, in cooperation with Dr Brekenfeld, we have been offering our guests another leisure activity that is sure to attract interest … Dalwitz ceramics and courses in the old clubhouse! Stop by, try it out, souvenir, workshop & exhibition
Feel invited to visit the small workshop exhibition, perhaps find a new favourite piece or try it out for yourself. You can visit Dr Brekenfeld in the workshop in the old clubhouse at any time by telephone appointment. Dr Brekenfeld does not have fixed opening hours, but you can reach her by mobile phone.

Dr. H. Brekenfeld
Mobile: +49 (0)151 11935781

Everyday life at the FerienGut Dalwitz

Petting zoo
Harvest your own herbs and vegetables at the garden
Riding and cattle work
Carriage and horse-drawn carriage rides
Dalwitz ceramics
Tennis court
Guided tours of the hunting ground with the hunter
Company tours


Charging station in Dalwitz

There is a charging station for electric vehicles at Gut Dalwitz.
Fill up your vehicle with electricity and take a break in the farm restaurant “Remise” or on a tour of our estate.
Or both!

The pillars

You have a 5-pole (32A) connection
and two 3-pole (16A) connections at the work hall
opposite the reception.

Charging plug: 1 x CEE red 22 kW and 2 x CEE blue 3.7 kW

Work and Travel

Free meals and accommodation on the estate, 25 hours of work per week and a great team await you!
There is always something to do, from gardening to repairs, waitressing, woodworking etc. …

Contact Information

If you are interested, please reach out:

Lucy Gräfin von Bassewitz +49 (0) 39972 56140 or
via post@gutdalwitz.de.

Hofansicht vom FerienGut Dalwitz